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Glossary of LGBTIQ+Terms​

Understanding and using the language/terminology associated with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) communities helps to ensure that services and organizations are inclusive and respectful. This resource sheet provides a glossary of terms for practitioners and service providers to help them to better understand the terminology and to use inclusive language in service provision.



This resource sheet provides information on terminology and phrases used within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender diverse, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) communities. This information is intended to help service providers and practitioners create safe spaces for members of these communities to access services.


Improving access to services is important due to the higher rates of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicide that are experienced by members of LGBTIQ+ communities compared to their non-LGBTIQ+ peers. Research also indicates that pressures faced by same-gender attracted young people, such as bullying, homelessness and feelings of shame, fear, and confusion, do not stem from the nature of their sexual or gender diversity. Rather, they are driven by experiences of marginalization via institutions that are important in the lives of young people, including schools, health services, and welfare services.


It is acknowledged that issues of gender identity are different to issues of sexual orientation; however, for ease of reference, both are included in this resource sheet. Further, it is acknowledged that some terminology is contested and language in this area is evolving. Therefore, practitioners and service providers are encouraged to use this resource sheet in conjunction with other sources of information 


There is a great deal of diversity within the LGBTIQ+ communities and a wide range of terms and language related to:

  • sex;

  • bodies;

  • gender;

  • sexuality;

  • sexual attraction;

  • experiences;



This glossary is organized around the following categories:

  • bodies and gender;

  • sexual orientations; and

  • societal attitudes /issues.


Bodies, gender and gender identities

Sex: a person's sex is made up of anatomical, chromosomal and hormonal characteristics. Sex is classified as either male or female at birth based on a person's external anatomical features. However, sex is not always straightforward as some people may be born with an intersex variation, and anatomical and hormonal characteristics can change over a lifespan.


Intersex: an umbrella term that refers to individuals who have anatomical, chromosomal and hormonal characteristics that differ from medical and conventional understandings of male and female bodies. Intersex people may be "neither wholly female nor wholly male; a combination of female and male; or neither female nor male" 


Intersex people may identify as either men, women or non-binary 


Gender: Gender refers to the socially constructed and hierarchical categories assigned to us on the basis of our apparent sex at birth. While other genders are recognized in some cultures, in Western society, people are expected to conform to one of two gender roles matching their apparent sex; for example, male = man/masculine and female = woman/feminine.


Gender norms define how we should dress, act/behave, and the appropriate roles and positions of privilege we have in society, for example, the power relationships between men and women. Failing to adhere to the norms associated with one's gender can result in ridicule, intimidation, and even violence.


Many people do not fit into these narrowly defined and rigid gender norms. Some women may feel masculine, some men may feel more feminine and some people may not feel either or may reject gender altogether.


Gender identity: refers to an inner sense of oneself as a man, woman, masculine, feminine, neither, both, or moving around freely between or outside of the gender binary.


Gender binary: the spectrum-based classification of gender into the two categories of either man or woman based on biological sex, as described above.


Transgender/Trans/ Gender diverse: umbrella terms to refer to people whose assigned sex at birth does not match their internal gender identity, regardless of whether their gender is outside of the gender binary or within it.


Transgender/trans or gender diverse people may identify as non-binary, that is: they may not identify exclusively as either gender; they may identify as both genders, they may identify as neither gender; they may move around freely in between the gender binary, or may reject the idea of gender altogether.


Transgender/trans or gender diverse people may choose to live their lives with or without modifying their body, dress or legal status, and with or without medical treatment and surgery. Transgender/trans or gender diverse people may use a variety of terms to describe themselves including but not limited to: man, woman, transwoman, transman, transguy, transmasculine, transfeminine, Tranz, gender-diverse, gender-queer, gender-non-conforming, non-binary, polygendered, pan-gendered and many more.


Transgender/trans or gender diverse people have the same range of sexual orientations as the rest of the population. Transgender/trans or gender diverse people's sexuality is referred to in reference to their gender identity, rather than their sex. For example, a woman may identify as lesbian whether she was assigned female at birth or male.


Transgender /trans or gender diverse people may also use a variety of different pronouns including he, she, they, ze, hir. Using the incorrect pronouns to refer to or describe trans people is disrespectful and can be harmful 


Cisgender/cis: term used to describe people whose gender corresponds to the sex they were assigned at birth.

Gender questioning: not necessarily an identity but sometimes used in reference to a person who is unsure which gender, if any, they identify with.


Sistergirls and Brotherboys have distinct cultural identities and roles. Sistergirls are Indigenous women who were classified male at birth but live their lives as women, including taking on traditional cultural female practices. Brotherboys are Indigenous transgender people, whose bodies were considered female at birth but "choose to live their lives as a male, regardless of which stage/path medically they choose" 


Sexual orientations

Sexual orientation refers to an individual's sexual and romantic attraction to another person. This can include but is not limited to, heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual or asexual. It is important to note, however, that these are just a handful of sexual identifications - the reality is that there are an infinite number of ways in which someone might define his or her sexuality. Further, people can identify with a sexuality or sexual orientation regardless of their sexual or romantic experiences. Some people may identify as sexually fluid; that is, their sexuality is not fixed to any one identity.


Lesbian: an individual who identifies as a woman and is sexually and/or romantically attracted to other people who identify as women.


Gay: an individual who identifies as a man and is sexually and/or romantically attracted to other people who identify as men. The term gay can also be used in relation to women who are sexually and romantically attracted to other women.


Bisexual: an individual who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to both men and women.


Pansexual: an individual whose sexual and/or romantic attraction to others is not restricted by gender. A pansexual may be sexually and/or romantically attracted to any person, regardless of their gender identity.


Asexual: a sexual orientation that reflects little to no sexual attraction, either within our outside relationships. People who identify as asexual can still experience romantic attraction across the sexuality continuum.


Heterosexual: an individual who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to the opposite gender.


Queer: a term used to describe a range of sexual orientations and gender identities. Although once used as a derogatory term, the term queer now encapsulates political ideas of resistance to heteronormativity and homonormativity and is often used as an umbrella term to describe the full range of LGBTIQ+ identities.


Societal attitudes /issues

Homophobia and biphobia refer to negative beliefs, prejudices and stereotypes about people who are not heterosexual.


Transphobia refers to negative beliefs, prejudices, and stereotypes that exist about transgender and gender diverse people.


Heterosexism is the set of beliefs that privilege heterosexuality, heterosexual relationships and cisgendered identities over non-heterosexual relationships and non-normative gender identities


Heterosexism provides the "social backdrop" for homophobic and transphobic prejudices, violence and discrimination 



Heteronormativity is the view that heterosexual relationships are the only natural, normal and legitimate expressions of sexuality and relationships. These assumptions are reinforced through cultural beliefs and practices and through social and political institutions such as the law, family structures, and religion.


Homonormativity: a term that describes the privileging of certain people or relationships within the queer community (usually cisgendered, gay men). This term also refers to the assumption that LGBTIQ+ people will conform to mainstream, heterosexual culture, for example by adopting the idea that marriage and monogamy are natural and normal.


Cisnormativity assumes that everyone is cisgendered and that all people will continue to identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. Cisnormativity erases the existence of trans and gender diverse people.


Misgendering is an occurrence where a person is described or addressed using language that does not match their gender identity. This can include the incorrect use of pronouns (she/he/they), familial titles (father, sister, uncle) and, at times, other words that traditionally have gendered applications (pretty, handsome, etc.). It is best to ask a person, at a relevant moment, what words they like to use.



There is a significant difference within LGBTIQ+ communities. Having an understanding of LGBTIQ+ terminology and using language that is inclusive demonstrates respect and recognition for how people describe their own genders, bodies, and relationships. Inclusive language also makes people feel welcome in organizations including schools, workplaces, and services. Further reading and resources are listed below.

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